Health and Wellbeing, Sleep Sciences, Tips

How To Prevent And Relieve Back Pain

Back pain can keep you up at night, it prevents you from enjoying a good night’s sleep and saps your day’s energy. This article would help you understand the cause Of such back pains and would equip you with the information you need to combat such issues.

What Causes Back Pain?

The main cause of back pain in bed is poor posture, either from how a person sits at work or how they sleep at night.

Between the vertebrae in the spine are intervertebral discs, which rehydrate at night (this is why we are taller in the morning, and part of the reason that the elderly lose height as they get older) . Poor posture can prevent the discs from rehydrating.

Attached to the vertebrae are smaller muscle groups such as the erector spinae, and large muscles such as the trapezius. Poor posture can put the muscles into awkward positions that can cause irritation over a prolonged period Of time, resulting in aches or pains. Lower and middle back pain tend to be the common culprits when sleeping, While there are several causes Of back pain, a small number Of which can be more serious underlying health issues. Here is a list of common indicators of or posture:

  1. Slouching whilst being seated
  2. Sticking your bottom out when standing (this could be a sign of hyperlordosis, an accented curve in the lower spine)
  3. Standing with a fiat back
  4. Leaning on one leg
  5. Hunched back and text neck when focusing too much on your phone
  6. Poking your chin out when at a computer
  7. Rounded shoulders (a sign your back needs strengthening)
  8. Cradling your phone in between your head and shoulder

Sleep and Backpains

A major cause of back pains is poor sleeping positions and poor surfaces. It is essential to equip yourself with a mattress that would help maintain posture whilst asleep cause afterall you are knocked out on it. Additionally it is also important to have c good pillow which would maintain the correct alignment Of neck, shoulders and spine,

A great start is to sleep on your right-hand side, with knees bent up slightly. Laying on the right-hand side is good for blood flow, as you have the smaller and lighter left lung resting on the heart in this position, maximizing blood flow.

Ensure that the gap in between the shoulder, neck, and head is filled with a pillow, so that the spine and neck remain in good alignment. Imagine how your neck sits vertically in line with the rest of the spine when you are sitting and standing; when you are laying on your side, you want to maintain that. Pillow depth is key here, and or softness is a personal preference.

How To Exercise to Relieve Back Pain
In the morning and evening, it is beneficial to warm up and warm down. TO achieve this:

  1. Some gentle stretching will help in general, but particularly for pain in the lower back.
  2. For the neck and lower back, gentle stretching in all vectors of movement (bending forwards, backwards, to the sides, and in rotation) will help, ensuring you engage the core muscles at all times to strengthen them and stretch the other muscles.
  3. Tight hamstrings can place stress on your lower back. To stretch your hamstrings, place one leg up on the bed and gently stretch forward until you feel the tension down the back Of the leg. This will help, particularly if you had been sitting all day as the hamstrings will have been contracted and shortened for they deserve a stretch!

Any exercise that strengthens your core will help prevent back pain in the future, so consider hitting the gym or park more often, or taking up a yoga class or similar.

Your Mattress and Back Pain

When it comes to picking the right mattress, it is important to get the correct support for your spine. A mattress that is too hard can put too much pressure on the areas where you feel discomfort, whereas a mattress that is too soft will not provide support for the areas that need it, allowing the spine to spend long periods in poor and unhealthy positions.

People who suffer from lower back pain generally benefit more from a mattress erring on the firmer side of neutral. This is because of the shape of the spine, meaning that the lower back is often in need of more support. Most people can go wrong with a memory foam-type mattress, as this will provide support where support is needed, and allow for adjustment to the body where that is also required. It is always a good idea to test any potential mattress first to check if it supports you in the right way, the best way is to pop into one of our stores and try a bed. And also remember soft does not necessarily mean comfortable. Its all about you and your preference.

Your Bed and Back Pain

Regarding the bed itself, if you are looking to start over completely, it may be important to remember that height of the bed can play an important part in preventing back pain. With beds that are too low and close to the ground, it is often difficult getting out of bed in the morning, more like getting out of a low car! Back pain when you sleep can be caused by a number of reasons, from your posture during the day to your bed and mattress. Finding out the cause of your back pain can help you to combat the aches that are keeping you awake or causing you pain when you wake up.

Choosing a good bed and mattress for back pain can be a good start. If you know your bed and mattress are not the culprits of your bad back, looking at your posture and daytime habits is your next step.

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