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Health and Wellbeing Lifestyle Tips

Bed Bugs : How Can You Shield Your Bed From It ?

Bed bugs are small brownish insects that survive on the blood of animals or humans and swell into creatures and turn into a reddish color as they grow. These insects which are very difficult to be noticed to the naked eye can be found virtually anywhere, including homes, offices, hotels, and hospitals. An infestation if not prevented or controlled could cause severe health hazards that are considered to be a severe nuisance and have a real psychological and financial impact. A number of diseases including severe mental health issues are known to be transmitted by this creature which is Close to a dust particle in Size. Individuals who suffer from bed bug bites could develop infections, allergies and in some instances sores. Those living in infested homes could also develop physiological issues. Victims of these small but deadly creatures would often suffer from stress, paranoia, loss of sleep, and develop insomnia.

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How can Bed bugs enter your Home?

Bed bugs are known to have exemplary travel Skills, and they can quickly hop from place to place and easily get into your homes. Along with the Skill Of travelling from place to place which leaves these pests with multiple modes of entry they also have the ability of spreading with astonishing speed. There are several methods from which bed bugs enter a household which include luggage, purses, backpacks, or other items placed on soft or upholstered surfaces and could also be trotted into the household by the kids at home. Picking up bed bugs at school is not uncommon, as schools are notorious locations. Bed bugs can hitch a ride to your place on your kid’s backpack or clothing.

Common misconception and the spread.

Bed bugs are also known to have the ability of being able to travel between rooms such as apartment complexes and hotels. The common misconception regarding these creatures are that they breed and are only in dusty places which is not so. Bed bugs could adapt to any environment and could even be found in the cleanest of places.

When bed bugs bite

Bed bugs are generally more active towards the night and that’s when they usually bite people while they are asleep. These small bugs which possess an elongated beak withdraw blood from a human by piercing the skin. They are known to feed from 3 to IO minutes and crawl away unnoticed after they swell with blood. Bed bug bites are painless at first however turns out to be itchy after a period of time. Unlike flea bites that are mainly around the ankles, a bed bug would bite any area of skin exposed while sleeping. Also, the bites do not have a red spot in the center like flea bites do. People who don’t realize they have a bedbug infestation may attribute the itching and welts to other causes, such as mosquitoes. To confirm bedbug bites, you must find and identify the bugs themselves.

Signs of Infestation

If you wake up with an itchy skin in the morning you may have bed bugs. Listed down below are few other signs that you may have bed bugs in your home.

1) Bloody stains on the sheets and pillowcases

2) Dark or rusty spots of bed bug excrement on the sheets, mattress, clothes and/or walls

3) Bed bug fecal spots, egg shells, or shed skins in areas where bed bugs hide

4) An offensive, musty odor from the bugs’ scent glands

If you suspect an infestation, remove all bedding and check it carefully for signs of the bugs or their excrement. Remove the dust cover over the bottom of the box springs and examine the seams in the wood framing. Peel back the fabric where it is stapled to the wood frame. Also, check the area around the bed, including inside books, telephones or radios, the edge of the carpet, and even in electrical outlets. Check your closet, because bedbugs can attach to clothing. If you are uncertain about Signs Of bedbugs, call an exterminator, who Will know What to 100k for.

An easy fix

It is important to note that using chemical treatments within the bedroom can prove to be harmful. Hence it is important for it to be used carefully. However, after doing so, it is important to protect your bed from any future bed bug infestations. This would stem from the famous adage that prevention is better than cure. A bed protector which is bed bug proof would ensure that the bed is protected from bedbugs. Bed protectors are washable material that is also waterproof and dust resistant and is also allergy free hence serves you as the ultimate bed protector.

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Health and Wellbeing Sleep Sciences

Psychological Effects Of Sleep Deprivation

DO you often work longer in the night? DO you spend a lot of time partying with friends into the early hours? Or do you have young children who Often keep you awake at night?

With work, family and other life commitments, many Of us just don’t get the recommended seven or eight hours of sleep. Having another coffee to get us through the day can sometimes become the norm.

It can be easy to dismiss sleep as not being important in maintaining a mentally healthy lifestyle but are we missing a trick? HOW important is a good night’s sleep to how we function mentally?

Why is sleep so important for our mental health?

There is clear evidence that sleep deprivation has a negative effect on emotion and performance. The results of one study (Yoo, Gujjar et al (2007) show a deficit in the ability to form new human memories without sleep. Nature Neuroscience, IO(S), 385-392) indicates that a night of restful sleep may reset the brain reactivity in order to prepare for emotional challenges the next day. Sleep has an important restorative function in recharging the brain at the end Of each day, just like we need to charge a mobile phone battery after prolonged use. Maintaining a regular sleep-wake cycle allows the natural rhythm of the body to be reset every day and therefore optimises brain functioning. Ongoing poor sleep can be a huge risk factor for the development of major depressive disorder. The risk of feeling depressed and/or anxious (as well as worsening existing anxiety and depression) increases with the severity Of insomnia, and so it is important to recognize and sort out sleep problems as soon as they are identified.

The effects of sleep deprivation

Lack of sleep can contribute to physical and psychological illnesses.

Psychological symptoms and effects include:
– Low mood
– Anxiety
– Irritability
– Erratic behavior
– Poor cognitive functioning and performance (e.g. forgetfulness, making mistakes and slower thinking than normal)
– Psychotic episodes

Physical symptoms and effects include:
1) Physical symptoms of anxiety
2) Tiredness
3) Elevation in blood pressure and stress hormones
4) Negative effects on cardiovascular health (increased risk Of strokes and heart attacks)
5) Immune damage which can lead to many physical problems

Seven Steps to improve your sleeping habits for better mental health

  1. Establish a regular sleep-wake cycle – try to sleep and wake at regular times consistently.
  1. Try to ensure that you have a comfortable bed and bedroom – noise, light and temperature should be tailored to your preferences if possible.
  2. Limit the use of stimulants – such as caffeine, nicotine and alcohol near bed time.
  3. Avoid drinking excessive liquids – especially in the evening to minimise chances Of waking to empty your bladder.
  4. Avoid going to bed until you are drowsy and actually ready to sleep.
  5. Regular daily exercise – but not too late in the evening as this could be stimulating.
  6. Avoid electronic devices late at night – such as computers, mobiles, tablets and so on; the bright light can be overly stimulating and keep you awake.