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Corporate Sleep Sciences

Comfort World International – Bringing You World Class Luxury Mattresses Backed By Research And Technology

A good night’s sleep is a key element for good mental and physical health. Research carried out around the world has proven that sleep offers an array Of health benefits, such as improving concentration, enhancing overall productivity, maximizing athletic performance and also mitigating the risk Of cardiovascular diseases and strokes. Your emotional intelligence and immune system will also improve if you prioritize getting an effective eight hours of sleep every night. Modern lifestyles, stress and the proliferation of technology have people sleeping far less today than they were a century ago. This has caused corporations around the world to pursue the development of sleep aid technologies.

We at Comfort World have identified the role played by the sleep surface towards achieving an effective night’s sleep and have over the years through freely available research and research done at our own facilities perfected the art of manufacturing mattresses. Our mattresses are much more that spring structures and foam layers held together by a cloth encasing. On the contrary the company is the first to engage sophisticated technology in Sri Lanka to the manufacturing process of this very important, highly underrated piece of furniture.

Comfort World Chairman Naushad Mohideen himself gets personally involved to ensure that the products offered are of the highest quality and are nothing short of the best. Our mattresses that have been crafted using sophisticated technology are thoughtfully engineered masterpieces tailored to enhance its users overall well-being.

In recent years a great deal of research has been done on the relationship between effective sleep and the sleeping environment. People should stop taking quality sleep for granted, and be more critical about the construction of their mattresses. Comfort World will continue to advocate for a good night’s sleep and its importance and will also continue to craft unparalleled sleep surfaces in Sri Lanka, through research, technology and innovation.

A mattress from Comfort World is guaranteed to impart a total sense of well-being.

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Health and Wellbeing Sleep Sciences

Psychological Effects Of Sleep Deprivation

DO you often work longer in the night? DO you spend a lot of time partying with friends into the early hours? Or do you have young children who Often keep you awake at night?

With work, family and other life commitments, many Of us just don’t get the recommended seven or eight hours of sleep. Having another coffee to get us through the day can sometimes become the norm.

It can be easy to dismiss sleep as not being important in maintaining a mentally healthy lifestyle but are we missing a trick? HOW important is a good night’s sleep to how we function mentally?

Why is sleep so important for our mental health?

There is clear evidence that sleep deprivation has a negative effect on emotion and performance. The results of one study (Yoo, Gujjar et al (2007) show a deficit in the ability to form new human memories without sleep. Nature Neuroscience, IO(S), 385-392) indicates that a night of restful sleep may reset the brain reactivity in order to prepare for emotional challenges the next day. Sleep has an important restorative function in recharging the brain at the end Of each day, just like we need to charge a mobile phone battery after prolonged use. Maintaining a regular sleep-wake cycle allows the natural rhythm of the body to be reset every day and therefore optimises brain functioning. Ongoing poor sleep can be a huge risk factor for the development of major depressive disorder. The risk of feeling depressed and/or anxious (as well as worsening existing anxiety and depression) increases with the severity Of insomnia, and so it is important to recognize and sort out sleep problems as soon as they are identified.

The effects of sleep deprivation

Lack of sleep can contribute to physical and psychological illnesses.

Psychological symptoms and effects include:
– Low mood
– Anxiety
– Irritability
– Erratic behavior
– Poor cognitive functioning and performance (e.g. forgetfulness, making mistakes and slower thinking than normal)
– Psychotic episodes

Physical symptoms and effects include:
1) Physical symptoms of anxiety
2) Tiredness
3) Elevation in blood pressure and stress hormones
4) Negative effects on cardiovascular health (increased risk Of strokes and heart attacks)
5) Immune damage which can lead to many physical problems

Seven Steps to improve your sleeping habits for better mental health

  1. Establish a regular sleep-wake cycle – try to sleep and wake at regular times consistently.
  1. Try to ensure that you have a comfortable bed and bedroom – noise, light and temperature should be tailored to your preferences if possible.
  2. Limit the use of stimulants – such as caffeine, nicotine and alcohol near bed time.
  3. Avoid drinking excessive liquids – especially in the evening to minimise chances Of waking to empty your bladder.
  4. Avoid going to bed until you are drowsy and actually ready to sleep.
  5. Regular daily exercise – but not too late in the evening as this could be stimulating.
  6. Avoid electronic devices late at night – such as computers, mobiles, tablets and so on; the bright light can be overly stimulating and keep you awake.
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Sleep Sciences

Melatonin And Sleep

Melatonin, often referred to as the sleep hormone, is a central part of the bodies sleep-wake cycle. Its production increases with evening darkness, promoting healthy sleep and helping to orient our circadian rhythm.

The body naturally produces melatonin, but researchers and the public have increasingly taken an interest in external sources of it, such as liquids or capsules, as a way to address sleep difficulties. In the United States, melatonin is sold as a dietary supplement, and a 2012 survey by the National Institutes of Health found it to be one of the most commonly used supplements among both adults and children. Studies have found that melatonin can improve sleep in certain cases, but it impact for everyone. It is important to be aware of and carefully consider melatonin’s potential benefits and downsides. People who want to use melatonin supplements should also be aware of issues related to dosage and the quality of supplements.

What is Melatonin?

Melatonin is a natural hormone that is produced by the pineal gland in the brain and then released into the bloodstream. Darkness prompts the pineal gland to start producing melatonin while light causes that production to Stop. AS a result, melatonin helps regulate circadian rhythm and synchronize our sleep-wake cycle with night and day. In doing so, it facilitates a transition to sleep and promotes consistent, quality rest. Melatonin created within the body is known as endogenous melatonin, but the hormone can also be produced externally. Exogenous melatonin is normally made synthetically in a laboratory and, as a dietary supplement, is most often sold as a pill, capsule, chewable, or liquid.

Can Melatonin Supplements Improve Sleep?

It is well-established that melatonin produced by the body plays a fundamental role in getting quality sleep, so it’s natural to consider whether melatonin supplements can be used to address sleeping difficulties. Research to date has shown that melatonin supplements may be useful in certain situations for both adults and children.

Melatonin in Adults

In adults, research studies have found the clearest potential benefits from melatonin are for people who have sleeping problems related to Delayed Sleep-Wake Phase Disorder (DSWPD) and jet lag. DSWPD is a circadian rhythm disorder in which a persona’s sleep schedule is shifted later, often by a matter of hours. For people with this night owl’s schedule, it can be hard to get enough sleep if they have obligations, such as work or school, that force them to wake up early in the morning. Studies have indicated that IOW doses of melatonin taken before the desired bedtime can help people with DSWPD adjust their sleep cycle forward. Jet lag can occur when a person travels rapidly across multiple time zones, such as on an intercontinental flight, because their bodies internal clock becomes misaligned with the local day-night cycle. Evidence from small research studies points to melatonin supplements as potentially helping to reset the sleep-wake cycle 7and improve sleep in people with jet lag. Shift workers are people who work during the night who often struggle with sleep difficulties related to a misaligned circadian rhythm. Studies Of melatonin in shift workers have had inconclusive results, although some people report a benefit. There is debate about whether melatonin is beneficial in otherwise healthy adults who have insomnia, a persistent condition marked by trouble falling asleep or staying asleep. The existing research is not conclusive. Some experts reviewing it find some evidence in favor of melatonin while organizations like the American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM) have concluded that there is not sufficient scientific support for melatonin in reducing insomnia. For most adults, melatonin has few notable side effects, so even when its benefits may not be clearly established, some people with sleeping problems may be inclined to try it. The best practice is to consult a doctor and nave an In-depth conversation about the benefits and rlSkS betore taking melatonin.

Melatonin in children

Melatonin may be helpful in children with sleeping problems, but experts generally agree that more research is needed to understand its optimal use in young people. Several research studies have indicated that melatonin may help children with sleeping difficulties fall asleep more quickly. It may also improve their total sleep time. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) states that melatonin may be beneficial as a short-term tool to help children adjust to a healthier sleep schedule and establish good sleep habits. Evidence from small studies has indicated that melatonin may be especially useful in children with certain conditions including epilepsy and some neurodevelopmental disorders such as Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) • Almost all reviews of the existing science acknowledge that additional research will be needed to clarify key issues about the use of melatonin in children including the optimal dosage and duration of use as well the risks Of long-term Side effects. Because of the uncertainties the remain regarding melatonins use by children, the AAP recommends that parents work Closely with their child’s doctor before administering melatonin supplements.

Additional Steps to Improve Sleep

People with sleeping problems can benefit from taking steps to develop healthy sleep habits. Even if melatonin offers relief, improving their sleep routines and environment (mattress and bedding) known collectively as sleep hygiene can promote durable sleep quality improvement. Talking with a doctor about melatonin and sleeping problems can also help reveal whether a person has an underlying sleep disorder. For example, raising poor sleep issues or excessive sleepiness may uncover a problem like sleep apnea. Melatonin isn’t a therapy for sleep apnea, but in this scenario, working with the doctor can lead to more appropriate and effective treatments.

What Are the Side Effects of Melatonin?

Short-term use of melatonin has relatively few side effects and is well-tolerated by the majority of people who take it. The most commonly reported Side effects are daytime drowsiness, headaches, and dizziness, but these are experienced by only a small percentage of people who take melatonin. In children, the reported side effects of short-term use are similar as in adults. Some children may experience agitation or an increased risk of bedwetting when using melatonin. For both children and adults, talking with a doctor before taking melatonin can help prevent possible allergic reactions or harmful interactions with other medications. People taking anti-epilepsy and blood thinning medications, in particular, should ask their physician about potential drug interactions. The American Academy Of Sleep Medicine recommends against melatonin use in people with dementia, and there is little research about its safety in women who are pregnant or breastfeeding. There is also very little data about the long-term effects Of melatonin supplements in children or adults, There is some concern that sustained use of melatonin could affect the onset of puberty in children, but research so far is inconclusive. Because the long-term effects are unknown, people should maintain an ongoing conversation with their doctor about using melatonin and the quality of their sleep and overall health.

What is the Appropriate Dosage Of Melatonin?

There is no consensus about the optimal dosage of melatonin although most experts advise to avoid extremely high dosages. In studies, dosages range from .1 to 12 milligrams (mg). A typical dose in supplements is between one and three milligrams, but whether this is appropriate for any specific person depends on factors like their age and sleeping problems. You may find melatonin in dosages of micrograms (mcg), 1000 mcg is equivalent to 1 mg. Some people experience daytime sleepiness when using melatonin as a sleep aid. If you experience this, it could be that your dosage is too high. Itis advisable to start With the lowest dosage possible and work your way up gradually under the supervision of your doctor. The AAP advises against dosages above 3-6 mg for children and states that many young people respond to small doses of .5 to 1 mg. Some studies have found benefits to lower doses in adults as well. Oral supplements can bring the levels of melatonin in the blood to levels much higher than is normally produced by the body. For example, dosages between 1-10 mg can raise melatonin concentrations to anywhere from 3 to 60 times typical levels. For this reason, people taking melatonin should be cautious before ingesting high doses.

How to Choose Melatonin Supplements

Melatonin is sold in the U.S. as a dietary supplement and not as a medication. This is a vital distinction because it means that melatonin products are not Closely regulated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) . A wide range of brands with varying formulations and dosages are available over-the-counter in groceries and drug stores, but there are important quality differences to 100k out for. A Study that reviewed 31 melatonin supplements found major inaccuracies in dosage information 71% of the tested products were not within 10% of their listed dosage. An incorrect dose of melatonin can have meaningful consequences including a higher risk of side effects and reduced supplement effectiveness. Some products labeled as only containing melatonin contained impurities or other compounds, such as serotonin, that can pose health risks. Melatonin is often combined With magnesium, valerian root, or other natural sleep aids in supplements, which may further affect the accuracy of dosages and labeling.

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Health and Wellbeing Sleep Sciences Tips

How To Prevent And Relieve Back Pain

Back pain can keep you up at night, it prevents you from enjoying a good night’s sleep and saps your day’s energy. This article would help you understand the cause Of such back pains and would equip you with the information you need to combat such issues.

What Causes Back Pain?

The main cause of back pain in bed is poor posture, either from how a person sits at work or how they sleep at night.

Between the vertebrae in the spine are intervertebral discs, which rehydrate at night (this is why we are taller in the morning, and part of the reason that the elderly lose height as they get older) . Poor posture can prevent the discs from rehydrating.

Attached to the vertebrae are smaller muscle groups such as the erector spinae, and large muscles such as the trapezius. Poor posture can put the muscles into awkward positions that can cause irritation over a prolonged period Of time, resulting in aches or pains. Lower and middle back pain tend to be the common culprits when sleeping, While there are several causes Of back pain, a small number Of which can be more serious underlying health issues. Here is a list of common indicators of or posture:

  1. Slouching whilst being seated
  2. Sticking your bottom out when standing (this could be a sign of hyperlordosis, an accented curve in the lower spine)
  3. Standing with a fiat back
  4. Leaning on one leg
  5. Hunched back and text neck when focusing too much on your phone
  6. Poking your chin out when at a computer
  7. Rounded shoulders (a sign your back needs strengthening)
  8. Cradling your phone in between your head and shoulder

Sleep and Backpains

A major cause of back pains is poor sleeping positions and poor surfaces. It is essential to equip yourself with a mattress that would help maintain posture whilst asleep cause afterall you are knocked out on it. Additionally it is also important to have c good pillow which would maintain the correct alignment Of neck, shoulders and spine,

A great start is to sleep on your right-hand side, with knees bent up slightly. Laying on the right-hand side is good for blood flow, as you have the smaller and lighter left lung resting on the heart in this position, maximizing blood flow.

Ensure that the gap in between the shoulder, neck, and head is filled with a pillow, so that the spine and neck remain in good alignment. Imagine how your neck sits vertically in line with the rest of the spine when you are sitting and standing; when you are laying on your side, you want to maintain that. Pillow depth is key here, and or softness is a personal preference.

How To Exercise to Relieve Back Pain
In the morning and evening, it is beneficial to warm up and warm down. TO achieve this:

  1. Some gentle stretching will help in general, but particularly for pain in the lower back.
  2. For the neck and lower back, gentle stretching in all vectors of movement (bending forwards, backwards, to the sides, and in rotation) will help, ensuring you engage the core muscles at all times to strengthen them and stretch the other muscles.
  3. Tight hamstrings can place stress on your lower back. To stretch your hamstrings, place one leg up on the bed and gently stretch forward until you feel the tension down the back Of the leg. This will help, particularly if you had been sitting all day as the hamstrings will have been contracted and shortened for they deserve a stretch!

Any exercise that strengthens your core will help prevent back pain in the future, so consider hitting the gym or park more often, or taking up a yoga class or similar.

Your Mattress and Back Pain

When it comes to picking the right mattress, it is important to get the correct support for your spine. A mattress that is too hard can put too much pressure on the areas where you feel discomfort, whereas a mattress that is too soft will not provide support for the areas that need it, allowing the spine to spend long periods in poor and unhealthy positions.

People who suffer from lower back pain generally benefit more from a mattress erring on the firmer side of neutral. This is because of the shape of the spine, meaning that the lower back is often in need of more support. Most people can go wrong with a memory foam-type mattress, as this will provide support where support is needed, and allow for adjustment to the body where that is also required. It is always a good idea to test any potential mattress first to check if it supports you in the right way, the best way is to pop into one of our stores and try a bed. And also remember soft does not necessarily mean comfortable. Its all about you and your preference.

Your Bed and Back Pain

Regarding the bed itself, if you are looking to start over completely, it may be important to remember that height of the bed can play an important part in preventing back pain. With beds that are too low and close to the ground, it is often difficult getting out of bed in the morning, more like getting out of a low car! Back pain when you sleep can be caused by a number of reasons, from your posture during the day to your bed and mattress. Finding out the cause of your back pain can help you to combat the aches that are keeping you awake or causing you pain when you wake up.

Choosing a good bed and mattress for back pain can be a good start. If you know your bed and mattress are not the culprits of your bad back, looking at your posture and daytime habits is your next step.